Sara Hollabaugh, Arts &Entertainment Editor
If lectures were only three minutes, would phones be checked or the internet surfed?
Ohio Wesleyan will hold a three-minute lecture series event on Feb. 3 called I³ (I-cubed), which stands for ideas, insight and imagination.
At the event, 10 professors will give lectures for three minutes each.
The idea for I³ was developed by OWU’s communications office.
Will Kopp, chief communications officer, said there was a branding initiative to create a new event to market what OWU has to offer.
“We have the OWU Connection and [we were seeking] how to display that.”
Kopp added one-third of OWU students have double majors with interests across the academic spectrum.
“They are not always things that may seem to go together,” Kopp said. “It might be physics and art, but there’s a wide variety.”
The communications office considered student interests and what was most important about OWU in order to decide what really defines the campus.

The office decided it was great teaching.
Kopp said the event then came all together and they searched for 10 of the student’s favorite faculty members.
“We have several students working in the communications office and had them survey students,” Kopp said. “Narrowing down to just 10 was difficult, [but] every single professor said yes.”
“If we keep it the length of a pop song and really interesting, I think [people] will watch them all,” Kopp said. “[Three minutes] really makes you focus.”
Kopp added that each topic needs to be interesting because even though each lecture is three minutes, the whole series will last 30 minutes.
According to the event’s online description, the lectures “will exemplify the power of combining the traditional liberal arts with practical experience, which is the hallmark of the OWU Connection.”
“Each person has to walk out of there learning something,” Kopp said. “[The faculty] must teach the audience something new. This event is strictly ours, unique to OWU. I hope it could become a tradition here.”
Melanie Henderson, assistant professor of psychology, is giving her lecture on interviewing.
“The title of my presentation is ‘Interviewing 101: Who is That Chameleon in the Mirror?’” Henderson said. “I will present research findings on the topic of “mirroring,” a process relevant to the psychology of interviewing and the role of self-presentation in interview outcomes.”
“My objective is to provide students in the audience with a simple insight on the interviewing process and a strategy for applying this knowledge to future interview experiences,” Henderson said.
Jennifer Jolley, assistant professor of music, will be teaching a music lecture.
Jolley admitted that her lecture will be a challenge because the audience will need time to hear the music.
“In other creative fields, time is not fixed (the amount of time it takes to look at a piece of art or read a short story varies),” Jolley said. “But in my field, you cannot speed-listen to a piece of music.”
“My lecture will have to include ridiculously short excerpts of music, but hopefully that will inspire my audience to listen to the featured works when the event is over,” Jolley added.
Other professors selected to participate in the lectures are Sally Livingston, Jenny Holland, Bob Harmon, David Eastman, Paul Dean, Laurie Anderson, Zack Long and Goran Skosples.
For more information, visit here.