By: Houston Smith, Transcript correspondent

Long food lines, diverse performances and a speech by Ohio Wesleyan President Rock Jones characterized Culture Fest, which took place Sunday, March 29 in the Benes Rooms as part of Horizons International.
Horizons International is a student-run organization formed exclusively for foreign students. The organization sponsors performances and events like this to promote various cultures and traditions from around the world.
Jones attended the event and shared a metaphor about the culture at Ohio Wesleyan. He spoke about a tapestry of diversity, and how each individual thread is woven together to create something special.
“The ultimate beauty is the collection of the whole,” Jones said.
Hundreds of men and women crowded in the Benes Rooms for festivities and food. There was a variety of cuisine offered from all over the world. Members from each club served their culture’s respective foods to students, faculty and parents. Some clubs made their own food for the event while others purchased it from restaurants.
“It’s better than Smith,” said junior Luke Steffen.
Culture Fest represented many clubs at OWU and showcased the talent within each organization.
One performance featured men and women in white t-shirts stomping around in unity. Their style of dance was called “stepping,” where the body is used as an instrument to create intricate rhythms and sounds. This traditional dance started in African communities and spread to other cultures, according to the Step Afrika website.
White and yellow ribbons hung from the ceiling while students whirled around in purple, white, and salmon clothes. The choreography in many of the dances was rehearsed for months prior to the event.
The OWtsiders, a co-ed, a cappella group performed the song “Same Love” by Macklemore. Skilled voice changes and different pitches created a unique sound that drew cheers from the crowd.