Sound-Off OWU: What do you think of the newly installed low-flow shower heads?
“That facebook petition thing is ridiculous. I didn’t realize the new showerheads were for the purpose of sustainability. Now (that I do) I support it.” – Erin Gregory, ‘14
“I think they save water. They don’t give a lot of pressure but at least we’re doing something good.” –Daysha Swann, ‘15
“I love the new shower heads, great water pressure and less noisy. I can hear my music now.” -Alvince Pongos, ‘14
“I like that we have new ones, but there isn’t a lot of pressure and it seems to take a while to rinse off.” – Khristina Gardner, ‘15
“I think they make sense with school efforts to go green, but it inconveniences me in the morning. Showers take longer.” – Eric Charette, ‘12