Did you watch the Presidential Inauguration? Why or why not?
“I the part that was on when I was in HamWill. It was the part with Beyonce, so that was really all I needed to see.” – Saige Bell, ‘15
“I didn’t watch it. I’m not American, but I do understand how important an event it is and I think people should try to take the time to watch.” – Philippe Chauveau, ‘15
“I would have liked to watch it, but I had class. It’s definitely an important event, just at an inconvenient time!”
– Eilish Donnell, ‘16
“I do think it’s really important, but I had class. So I didn’t.” – Chase Leaders, ‘15
“I watched part of it, not all of it. It’s a historic event that only happens every four years, and it serves as a preview for what’s coming in the next four years.”
– Jerry Lherisson, ‘16
“Yeah I watched it. It was funny to see the guy mess up while he was swearing Obama in. It happened during the last Inauguration too.” – Will McNamara, ‘15