Sound-Off OWU: What do you think about the tuition increase?
“I think it’s to be expected because it increases annually but also unfair and incessant for how much we pay but at the same one out school provides us with a fair amount of financial aid.” – Ali Castelero, ‘13
“Keep on going Rock Jones. You do what you do.” – Meredith Merklin, ‘13
“It can’t just keep increasing. Eventually the bubble is going to burst and people will stop putting up with the price of a college education.” – Rob O’Neill, ‘15
“I feel it’s kind of ridiculous. I dont know what the reasons are or who decides when and how much the tuition goes up. I’m upset about it.” – Erik Poicon, ‘14
“It kind of sucks but I guess I’m out of here in a year but it still sucks.” – Seth Swary, ‘14
“I’m not happy, definitely. But other than that I don’t have too much to say.”
– Paul Anderson, ‘16