Thomson Store offers fresh new produce

By Morgan Christie
Transcript Correspondent

Thomson Corner Store now offers students a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, including blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, romaine lettuce, russet potatoes and red onions.

Freshman Haley Gerrell said she is happy with the new products because healthy options in the store were ā€œmuch needed.ā€

Freshman Emily Romig also approves of the recent additions.

ā€œGetting fruits and vegetables really improves Thomson Store because having options that donā€™t have preservatives or come in packaging that extends the expiration date by months gives all of us a chance to eat healthier,ā€ she said.

Freshman Nicole Ebert said the products are a great addition for those who regularly eat fruit, to which she is enjoying the easy access.

While the storeā€™s addition of fruits and vegetables did not surprise Gerrell, who said there was a lot of push for healthier items, Ebert said she was surprised by their availability.

ā€œThey had a survey sometime last semester, I think, about the C-store,ā€ she said. ā€œThey must have really taken studentsā€™ answers seriously.ā€

Romig said the addition of the new items was a ā€œwelcomed surpriseā€ which she felt was necessary. The addition of fresh berries and vegetables was a ā€œlogical next stepā€ generated by the high demand for the fruit the Thomson Corner Store sells in a small basket at the checkout counter.

Though the selection of fruits and vegetables is starting off small, Gerrell said she thinks the Thomson Corner Store will eventually expand into more healthy food options. Ebert said sheā€™d like to see grapes as a part of the future fruit line.

Romig, however, is content with the selection for the time being.

ā€œThe selection isnā€™t too extensive but after having almost no fresh produce, this is an improvement,ā€ she said.

Ebert said the demand for the products appears to be high enough for the fruits and vegetables to remain in the store. She said she has seen a lot of students buying the fruit.

Gerrell agreed with Ebertā€”she said the fruit sells quickly and employees are always restocking it.