Students get used to living at OWU…again

By Emily Feldmesser
Transcript Correspondent

A new year brings a new semester to Ohio Wesleyan, and after a three week winter break, students are getting readjusted to life on campus.

Freshman Adelle Brodbeck said the week classes reconvened was the busiest she’s had at OWU. Senior Rebecca Muhl had a similar experience.

“I had a really busy schedule the first week back because of the demand of my leadership positions in organizations,” she said.

Junior Emily Perry said preparing for formal recruitment took up her schedule. Because of recruitment, she didn’t have a lot of time to get all of her books and “make sure the little things were in order before starting the semester like I normally have time for.”

Students must also transition back to having a roommate and living with other people.

Junior Katasha Ross said her biggest adjustment was “readjusting from the privacy of home to living in a house of ten girls,” she said. “I can’t live entirely on my own schedule because I need to consider my roommate now.”

Muhl said she enjoyed the privacy her home allowed her.

“I definitely miss having my own space and my own room. The dorms are pretty loud, too, so I did appreciate that my house was quiet,” she said.

Freshman Ann Sharpe said the biggest adjustment coming back to OWU was her diet.

“I was able to eat healthy over break and the food selection here is much less appealing, because we have limited options,” she said.

Sharpe said she was looking forward to getting back to academic life at OWU.

“Towards the end of the break, I felt myself getting eager to be a student again,” she said.

Sophomore Liam Dennigan said he was getting mentally “stagnant” during the break.

“I was looking forward to learning new things in different classes,” he said.

Muhl said she enjoyed the luxury of “having any free time” at home.

“I feel as though I value alone time more than I thought I would,” she said. “There just aren’t enough hours in the day to do homework and extracurricular activities, which leads to sleep deprivation for me,” said Ross.

While at OWU, Dennigan missed watching television with his sister, particularly the series Homeland.
Familial relationships were also something Sharpe missed while on campus.

“I miss my family,” she said. “Nothing compares to those goofy, easy-going relationships I have with my parents and my brother.”