Musical comedy has students laughing

By: Liz Hardaway, Transcript correspondent


Sophomore Reggie Hemphill and Senior Luke Scaros, both portraying police officers, rehearse a musical number for the show. Photo courtesy of Alanna Easley.
Sophomore Reggie Hemphill and Senior Luke Scaros, both portraying police officers, rehearse a musical number for the show. Photo courtesy of Alanna Easley.

There is nothing dry about “Urinetown: the Musical,” the self-aware and witty comedy that opened at Chappelear Drama Center on April 17.

“Urinetown: the Musical,” written by Greg Kotis, explores corporate control and environmental concerns with a comical, modern-day Romeo and Juliet love story.

Directed by professor of theatre Ed Kahn, the musical took place in a fictional town with a water conservation problem. Urine Good Company, a monopoly, allowed the townspeople to do their business in public restrooms with a price.

However, Bobby Strong, played by freshman TJ Galamba, along with others couldn’t afford to pay as described in the wonderful “Privilege to Pee” sung by senior Brianna J. Robinson.

A corrupt Senator Fipp, played by junior Christian Sanford, and power-hungry CEO Caldwell B. Cladwell, played by senior Ryan Haddad, work together to raise the fee to pee.

Freshman TJ Galamba rehearses as Bobby Strong. Photo courtesy of Alanna Easley.
Freshman TJ Galamba rehearses as Bobby Strong. Photo courtesy of Alanna Easley.

After meeting Hope, Strong’s overly optimistic love interest and daughter of the evil Cladwell, played by senior Grace Thompson, he decided to follow his heart and lead the lower-class citizens to fight for freedom.

Ohio Wesleyan’s theater, music and dance departments did justice to the self-referential musical, with clever commentary from a sassy narrator, Officer Lockstock, played by sophomore Reginald Hemphill, and an innocent rebel, Little Sally, played by junior Sarah Shulman.

The vocals of the performance were exceptional, with soulful melodies from Robinson and a deep bass from Hemphill. Thompson’s voice even mirrored Hope’s merry personality, with luminous ballads evoking the innocence of a Disney Princess; birds were about to fly onto her fingertips.

The audience could not forget they were watching a musical with the overly obvious special effects and a narrator reminding over-eager characters to not reveal any spoilers. As the plot thickened, the sarcasm of the musical always provided comic relief.

“It’s humorous, it’s very self-aware and makes fun of the conventions of musicals while also utilizing them,” said followspot operator, senior Emma Buening.

Organization was a key component within the play, with the cast and crew working since after spring break. Ensembles were choreographed to the last step, and the lights and sound programmed to each second. The collaboration and hard work that went into the designs for the set, costumes, props and every other condition for the performance were undeniably impeccable.

Freshman TJ Galamba as Bobby Strong leads his fellow oppressed townspeople in a song. Photo courtesy of Alanna Easley.
Freshman TJ Galamba as Bobby Strong leads his fellow oppressed townspeople in a song. Photo courtesy of Alanna Easley.

Though entertaining, the musical did tackle social issues such as corporate greed and excess resource consumption. With many green programs being implemented on campus, it is no wonder Kahn chose a tale of a monopolized dystopia plagued with draught and gluttony.

“Urinetown’ provided a witty and informative take on the importance of water conservation,” said freshman Evelynn Wyatt.

Not the typical story, “Urinetown: the Musical” encouraged the audience to find its balance between realism and idealism to handle obstacles.

“Ironically, it is the show’s ‘villain’ who poses the important question, ‘But what of tomorrow?’ Perhaps there are lessons to be learned from both sides, as we strive to follow our hearts,” Kahn said.

Award-winning musical brings satire and singing to OWU

Left to right: senior Grace Thompson as Hope Cladwell, senior Ryan Haddad as Caldwell B. Cladwell, senior Luke Scaros as Officer Barrel and senior Brianna Robinson as Penelope Pennywise. Photo courtesy of Ian Boyle.
Left to right: senior Grace Thompson as Hope Cladwell, senior Ryan Haddad as Caldwell B. Cladwell, senior Luke Scaros as Officer Barrel and senior Brianna Robinson as Penelope Pennywise. Photo courtesy of Ian Boyle.

An evil corporation charges people for peeing in order to control water consumption in the Tony Award-winning Urinetown: the Musical, coming to Ohio Wesleyan on April 17.

Senior Ian Boyle describes the play as a satire of capitalism, social irresponsibility, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement and municipal politics.

The musical was chosen by the show’s director, theatre professor Edward Kahn, who said rehearsals have been going smoothly.

“A musical brings additional people into the collaboration,” he said. “Vocal coach Jennifer Whitehead, choreographer Rashana Perks Smith and music director James Jenkins have all added so much to the production, as have the cast, designers, stage managers and crew.”

Understanding the style of the show has been the biggest challenge for junior Hannah Simpson, who is portraying Josephine Strong.

“Since it is a satire, it is important to differentiate between which lines were written to be delivered straight and which lines are more…involved,” said Simpson.

She said she thinks students will enjoy the witty and thought-provoking script.

“If nothing else, people should come see the show to watch their friends dance around onstage for two hours,” she said. “You can’t beat that.”

Freshman TJ Galamba plays Josephine’s son, Bobby Strong, who leads the resistance against the water conservation company.

He said balancing rehearsal with class and work has been challenging but rewarding.

Musicals can be difficult because actors must bring their characters to life while also singing and dancing, Galamba said.

“People should see it if they just want to have a good time, but at the same time the show makes you think about the human condition of consuming resources, so if you want food for thought it’s definitely a show to come see,” he said.

Urinetown: the Musical will play in the Chappelear Drama Center at 8 p.m. on April 17, 18, 24 and 25 and at 2 p.m. on April 26. Tickets are $5 for faculty and staff and free for OWU students.