What’s the point of social media?

Social networks have taken over the world.

It’s nearly impossible to find a person who doesn’t have a Facebook or a Twitter in 2012.

These days, social networks extend to parents, teachers and potential career organizations. I have received friend requests from teachers, parents and friends of the family.

I always feel like I have to second guess myself before I post a picture or update a status. What’s really the point of these networks if you have to filter what your saying?

Many people say they use them as a means of communication and to stay in touch with friends and family.
If they are close to you, they can send you a text, email, Skype or have an actual phone or face to face conversation. People seem to forget this.

Tweeting is a beast in itself: trying to figure out who you are going to follow, whose following you back.

It’s a crazy popularity contest.

I remember once a girl told me she was mad at me. I hadn’t seen or spoken her in nearly three years. When I asked her why she was upset, she told me it was because she had followed me on Twitter and I never followed her back.

Really? The day people start getting upset because of my Twitter activity is a sad day.

For the most part, people only follow celebrities, all in hopes they will see and contact them back.

This is just false hope. I’m pretty sure the Kardashians aren’t tweeting fans while filming one of their three reality TV seasons of the year.

I can’t judge, or look down upon anyone, though. I myself had both Twitter and Facebook. I deleted both of my sites and realized many things.

1. I never really cared what others posted. I just wanted to get my thoughts out. 2. I spent a lot of free time (boredom) looking at pictures and statuses to fill up my days. 3. I learn a lot more in class when I am not strolling the sites.

Sure, these may seem like obvious observations, but I was oblivious while I under the social network spell.
I’m not saying everyone should get rid of them, nor am I saying they are sheer evil. All I am saying is people should consider what is the point?