CAC paints campus pink for cancer awareness

By Jenna Rodcay
Transcript Reporter

Ohio Wesleyan’s Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) club has been working hard to remind the OWU campus that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the pink bras around campus are only one of their many tactics to “paint the campus pink” and promote breast cancer awareness.

According to the College Relay For Life website, CAC “is a nationwide collaboration of college students, faculty and staff dedicated to eliminating cancer by working to implement the programs and mission of the American Cancer Society.”

“We try to do little things to keep people aware of what’s going on,” said junior Lauren Foote, a member of OWU’s CAC.

Foote said the club does something around campus during each cancer awareness month, such as putting children’s socks on trees across campus during Children’s Cancer Month.

Meggie Feran, the staff partner for the American Cancer Society (ACS), said she hopes the club’s efforts this month raise awareness on campus.

“I would love to see (the club) use (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) as an opportunity to lead and empower campus members and build up (excitement) for Relay For Life,” Feran said. “Even if (breast cancer) doesn’t directly affect college students, they can tell their older friends and family to work at detection and prevention.”

Some club members shared their reasons for joining the club and how they raise awareness themselves.

“I joined because of my mom,” said junior Jija Dutt. “I lost her to leukemia my freshman year.”

Dutt said she will be attending an ACS student leadership conference in November to show her support.

Sophomore Arielle Davis said she joined the club in honor of her grandmother, who passed away two months ago from colon cancer.

Foote said she joined because “(Delta Zeta’s) (DZ) housemother’s best friend was recently diagnosed with leukemia.”

Though she is currently in remission, DZ is teaming up with the CAC to do a walk during Relay For Life to raise money for her.

Foote and Davis are attending a breast cancer walk in Columbus on Sunday.

The club will be tabling in the Hamilton Williams Campus Center atrium the last week of October.

There will be a banner for people to sign in remembrance of their loved ones affected by breast cancer.

The club will also be selling pink crewneck T-shirts that say “support second base, save the boobies,” and pinwheels as well as having sign-ups for this year’s Relay For Life.

Anyone who buys a pinwheel will be able to decorate it and place it in the lawn in front of the Mowry Alumni Center with a sign that says “Blow Away Cancer!”

On Nov. 2, from noon to 1:30 p.m., CAC will celebrate its Relay For Life Kick Off in the HamWill atrium.

People will be able to register for Relay For Life at the Kick Off and will also be able to sign a Relay For Life banner.

This year’s Relay For Life will be in the Gordon Field House on Mar. 22 at 6 p.m. and has a holidays theme.

The CAC meets Mondays at noon in Crider Lounge. The club’s president, junior Jessica Martin, said the club is always accepting new members and looking for volunteers for Relay For Life.

For more information, contact Martin at