Administration gives full-time provost job to longtime interim

By Hannah Urano
Transcript Correspondent

On Feb. 1, University President Rock Jones announced, “with a sense of great enthusiasm and excitement,”the selection of Charles Stinemetz as Ohio Wesleyan’s new provost.

The provost is the vice-president for academic affairs and is one of five vice-presidents that report directly to the president.

Specifically, Stinemetz said, he is responsible for the “academic division” of the university, which includes Academic Affairs, Athletics, Libraries and Information Services, and the Registrar’s Office.
Director of Athletics Roger Ingles was a member of the search committee, which he said did an outstanding job of vetting candidates and put a lot of time and effort into the search.

“Obviously I am thrilled of our hire and support it 100 percent,” he said.

Stinemetz said his experience at OWU began in the early 1980s as an undergraduate majoring in botany and chemistry.

He served as interim provost during the last year, and before that worked as dean of academic affairs at the university since 2006.

“I have always valued the inclusive culture of Ohio Wesleyan,” he said.

“It is a place that is willing to listen to different ideas from varying perspectives and formulate informed views. This has not changed since I was a student.”

According to Stinemetz, students today are more committed to helping others, both academically and personally, than when he was a student.

“This is a very admirable trait that my generation came to much later in life,” he said.

Barbara Andereck, interim dean of academic affairs, said she is pleased with the appointment and believes Stinemetz’s knowledge of OWU will be valuable as he works with the other vice-presidents at the university.

“He has extensive and excellent administrative experience,” she said.

“He works well with a very wide array of people, he understands and appreciates how the university operates and he has a deep commitment to Ohio Wesleyan.”

Director of Libraries Catherine Cardwell shared Andereck’s sentiments, saying that Stinemetz knows how to be effective with various constituencies on campus and build consensus when making important decisions.
“He is deeply committed to the OWU community and making it a great place to study and work,” she said.

Ingles said he believes Stinemetz will bring a balanced approach to academics and athletics to the position.

Stinemetz said he is excited to have the opportunity to work with the faculty and staff to continue providing the strong academic experience that OWU is known for, while also exploring new ways to promote unique educational opportunities for Ohio Wesleyan students.

“Related to this goal, I am interested in promoting the use of new technologies to enhance the learning experience of students without detracting from the close faculty-student interactions that take place in the Ohio Wesleyan classroom,” he said.

Cardwell said she supports this goal, and thinks it will be successful in “improving the conditions of academic buildings and creating flexible, contemporary classrooms and study spaces that support a variety of teaching and learning needs.”

To Andereck, the university is in the process of exciting changes, many of which Stinemetz helped facilitate.

“His continued leadership will allow further development and exploration without losing momentum,” she said.