WCSA continues to make change

When two prospective students asked the vice president of the Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA) about baked goods, she knew something was wrong.

Emma Drongowski, a junior, began her April 20 full senate report by saying, “let’s talk about bagels.”

Her culinary focus came in response to social media postings, a Transcript article and numerous student comments about WCSA’s plan to decrease the size of bagels for sale on campus.

Drongowski said that while she was “happy WCSA could make a change in the everyday life of students,” the change “took only five minutes out of [sophomore representative] Jess Choate’s day, only took one quick email.”

WCSA accomplishes many things in a semester, Drongowski emphasized, things like a university-wide email that circulated Monday evening with important information for students.

Keeping to the theme of progress, Areena Arora, a freshman and chair of the academic affairs committee, announced the library agreed to extend their hours for the week before finals.

Arora also mentioned that the faculty committee student positions had been approved by her delegation and were ready to be voted on. The full senate passed the slate before them unanimously.

Choate, chair of the residential affairs committee, said that a budget was submitted to purchase sports equipment for student rental. The equipment includes volleyballs, footballs, soccer balls and Frisbees, and will be available in the coming semester (pending approval).

Finally, sophomore treasurer Graham Littlehale introduced a resolution to approve the Fall 2015 budget. After questions were answered, junior Jerry Lherisson, president of WCSA said, “Next week we’ll come and vote on it.”

Published by

Daniel Sweet

Copy editor & WCSA reporter