Picasso, Wegman paint a permanent portrait in Ross Art Museum

Staff and students at Ohio Wesleyan are working hard to put together a permanent art collection at the Richard M. Ross Art Museum.
The Ross Art Museum is now displaying works from Picasso, as well as the most recent addition of William Wegman’s photographs.
William Wegman’s work is called Letters, Numbers, and Punctuation. All three displays were done as silver gelatin photographs using dogs to form the entire alphabet, numbers and a large display of punctuation marks. These three selected works consist of multiple frames and were created by Wegman in 1993.
What students, staff and professors are most excited
about is the development of a permanent collection to be available at the museum for the campus community.
Taurey Overturf is one of the students who has been working with the displays and was excited for the new collections.
“I am currently enrolled in a gallery management class so I work with Justin Kronewetter and help install the shows,” she said. “We actually have a ton of really neat paintings, prints and photos in the permanent collection. The goal is to get pictures so that the professors will have access to the artwork and use in the classroom.This is the first time that there had been a permanent exhibition show. Justin Kronewetter has built this museum permanent collection up from the beginning.”
Overturf is also familiar with the other artwork in the museum.

“The exhibition with all the paintings is from an artist in Cleveland. He uses no reference, all his works are purely from his own imagination, there tends to be a dystopia in the overall feeling from his art work,” she said. “The clay pieces in the middle gallery are a great break up from the rest of the two dimensional work, and the artist finds her inspiration from nature with its organic forms.”
“A passion of mine is art and I recently went over to the Ross Art Museum to see some of the paintings and photographs that are on display right now,” said sophomore Katherine Watson. “I was very impressed with the collections the museum had out because I had never been in that building before.”