Clean up your act, residents of Smith Hall

Urine in the elevators. Vomit, feces and piles of trash on the stairs. Overflowing garbage and spoiled food in a kitchen with Ramen blocked sinks. Sound like an episode of ā€œHoarding: Buried Alive?ā€ Wrong.
It is, in fact, the state students have left Smith Hall in these past semesters.
Since this is a university, I assume most students are at least 17, meaning that the individuals residing here are closer to being adults than they are to being children.
So, I guess my question is: Why do you people insist on acting like toddlers assuming that an adult will come along behind them and clean up their messes?
Not only is it disrespectful, but itā€™s also irresponsible.
No one is going to unblock your drain when you shove dry Ramen noodles down it, or pick up the trash you scatter down the hallway or scoop up the dump you decide to take in the stairwell when you move out on your own.
Very, very soon, you will be thrown into the real world, and that type of behavior is not tolerated by landlords, neighbors and potential mates.
As for being disrespectful, do you think Public Safety and/or Buildings and Grounds deserve to clean up your acts of stupidity, indecency or even delinquency.
Damage of private property can land you a felony charge.
Would you want to mop up someone elseā€™s puke? Iā€™ve done it once or twice, and Iā€™ll answer that for you. No.
And as for trash cans — they are overfilled filled with boxes and spoiled, rotten food on top all because people are too lazy to recycle or actually put trash where it belongs.
And crud left on the stove and in the coils is a fire hazard that is risked every single time a person turns on the burner.
Food that is placed in the microwave should probably not be eaten, considering all of the left-over gunk likelyĀ  radioactive food bits covering all sides of the interior.
Objects such as kitchens and elevators are a privilege. The kitchen can be locked and no longer available for use, and a lock and key can be easily installed so that the only people who can use the elevator are only those who truly need it.
Abusing such amenities will lead to them going away.
The university is not required to provide these things.
If they get tired of having to clean this stuff up, they can just remove the problem.
It is you and your friends who have to live in these conditions, not those who have to clean up after you.
So listen to my advice and take the Golden Rule into consideration the next time you think of doing something stupid: Donā€™t urinate in an elevator if you donā€™t want someone to urinate in your bedroom.