Transcript 2012: a new vision for a new year

The craft of journalism is one strongly rooted in commitment to community, credibility and truth. It is an honest art that seeks to inform, raise awareness and teach the population.
Many journalists have left a lasting impact on society through the enactment of laws and fundamental changes in our culture that came about as a result of their reporting.
Within each journalist, there is a desire to make a difference. I knew little about the world of journalism until my sophomore year of high school when I signed up to be a staff writer for our newspaper, The Devilier.
My eyes were opened to a whole new style of writing: writing  with  a  sense  of  urgency,  of  purpose.
Coming to Ohio Wesleyan, I knew I still wanted to be involved in such a meaningful production. Now, during my sophomore year of college, it brings me great excitement and pride to introduce myself as the editor-in-chief for the 2012 Transcript.
My vision for The Transcript is to release a publication each week at the very peak of its potential; one that my staff and I can always be proud to be associated with.
This is both a simple and daunting task, but with dedication, it is possible. I want The Transcript to be the faculty, staff and students’ primary source of campus information at OWU.
Whenever there is a silver-faced robber running around campus causing a raucous, I want everyone to be able to grab a paper off the stand and find out every juicy detail first thing in the morning.
When there are controversial changes going on, such as the switch to low-flow showerheads or the construction of the fountain in front of the library, I want the paper to serve as a student forum, where anyone can express his or her concerns through editorials or political cartoons and  find the most up-to-date information available.
I want the OWU community to feel comfortable reading The Transcript and approaching the staff with story ideas and feedback. This is why I am raising our staff standards of credibility and of coverage, making sure that we do not neglect to cover issues important to our readers.
We’re going to increase our variety of coverage and delve deeper than ever before. I am also focusing on timeliness and dependability.
The printing schedule is being resolved, meaning the paper will appear in the paper trays every Thursday morning, hot off the press.
More than anything, I am excited to be a part of the legacy that is The Transcript and to be working with my fantastic staff this year.
If you ever hear a rumor and want to know more about what’s happening on campus, or if you want your voice to be heard on a current issue, I am approachable. Don’t be afraid to get more involved with The Transcript.
Here’s to a new semester and a great year ahead.