Sound-Off OWU: Would you want to live in Stuy next year?
“Absolutely not. I do not want to move back on campus. Although, I do hope the renovations are nice for the freshman or whoever plans to live there.” — Ben Burwell, ’13
“I don’t want to live there. I hear that it is just as small as Smith. Hayes and Welch have much bigger rooms and they are closer to campus. I would prefer to live in Hayes or Welch come the fall.” — Anji Herman, ’15
“Yes. I have heard great things about the renovation and it would be awesome to get out of Smith after being there for years.” — Jeremy Stursberg, ’14
“I am going to live in Chi Phi, but if I was unaffiliated I would definitely consider it.” — Jesse Brillhart, ’13
“I would love to live in Stuy. It has air conditioning and an elevator. I think it will be really nice.” — Maria Jafri, ’14
“I will be living there and I am thrilled. The rooms will be clean and brand new!” — Rebecca Muhl, ’13