Symposium showcases semester

By Orion Wright, Transcript Correspondent

Students and faculty chatting together over refreshments; rows of posters displaying the details of research projects; students giving presentations on the work they had completed over the course of the semester- these are the sights attendees of the Student Symposium enjoyed on Thursday.

The Student Symposium is an annual event organized by The OWU Connection, an OWU program  intended as a “commitment to help you find your pathway to meaningful work and a rewarding life,” according to the university website.

“The spring Student Symposium showcases the research and creative work of Ohio Wesleyan students across the academic spectrum. The Symposium provides an opportunity for students to share their work with the OWU community and enter a dialogue that can spur ideas for new projects,” according to the Academic Affairs page on OWU’s website.

“The Student Symposium really gives us a chance to see the incredible work that students are doing in a variety of . . . fields,” said Dr. Shala Hankison, Associate Professor of Zoology.

“I think it is also great for students to see the wide variety of ways that their classroom topics can be put into practice for a variety of research projects,” Hankison said.

And variety indeed- the research on display ranged from sociology to chemistry to ecology, and everything in between.

Among the diverse topics explored on the posters were projects such as “Mobilizing the LGBTQIA+ Movement,” Stochastic Stage-Based Population Model for Loggerhead Sea Turtle,” and “Common Core Standards: More Than a Meme.”

Ellen Sizer, one of the students presenting research at the Symposium, had been working on her project “Physical Fences and Social Boundaries: The Human Implications of Privatizing Nature in Patagonia Park,” for a year. She hadn’t set out with the intent of displaying it at the event- rather, the reward was “fun.”

“I came in thinking it would all be physical and environmental geography, but it ended up being more human and cultural,” Sizer said.

“I see [the Symposium] as practice for how to talk to people and hopefully get an idea of presenting at a larger scale,” Sizer said.

The Symposium was held in the atrium of the Schimmel-Conrades Science Center from 4 to 7 p.m. on April 18.

Immigration ban raises travel concern

By Alameina White, Transcript Correspondent

In trying to keep immigrants out of the United States, President Donald Trump has given some of Ohio Wesleyan University’s international students more reason to stay.

Selam Weldu, a freshman from Ethiopia, said she is not going home this summer and may not go home until she graduates.

Weldu said going home would be unpredictable.

“The way things are, everything is just crazy and uncertain,” Weldu said.

Weldu said that many of her friends have had their visas rejected. Some had completed the process and were approved for a visa, but later rejected for unexplained reasons.

Weldu said that she doesn’t want to risk not being able to come back for school and her family supports her decision. Weldu made arrangements to stay with relatives in the meantime.

However, Iman Ashraf, a freshman from Pakistan, said she will not let these occurrences keep her from going home.

“If I’m going to get rejected for my religion or my nationality, I’m done with here,” Ashraf said. “I’m not going to be part of a place that despises me.”

Ashraf said she’ll take her chances going home but does not believe the president will keep her from coming back. Ashraf said if he does, she believes the school will help the students as best they can.

“They don’t discourage us,” Ashraf said. “A lot of Pakistanis are still applying for their visas and being accepted.”

Ashraf said that the university has supported the international students on campus on similar occasions before.

When the FBI emailed Pakistani students, asking to meet with them to discuss possible ties with certain groups, Ohio Wesleyan rejected the meeting and spoke out for the students said Ashraf.

President Rock Jones said the school empathizes with the students and their concerns.

“I am very concerned for our international students and their experience,” Rock Jones said. “I understand their concerns. It is an uncertain time with issues regarding immigration.”

Rock Jones said that Dean of Students Dwayne Todd will soon be announcing a way for international students to stay on campus over the summer.

Rock Jones said that international students can feel free to express their concerns to the university.  The university gives absolute support and encouragement to all international students.  There are many people on campus who are knowledgeable in these issues and want to hear from students about how they can help.

Women’s soccer hosts Be the Match drive at OWU

By Ben Simpson, Transcript Correspondent

The Ohio Wesleyan women’s soccer team took a step closer to cure patients with blood cancers by hosting the Be the Match Drive in the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center this past Thursday.

The Be the Match Drive enters people into the bone marrow registry to help people with blood cancers find a match for a marrow transplant to hopefully save their lives. Be the Match is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program which is a nonprofit organization that’s dedicated to helping every patient get the life-saving transplant they need.

“As trusted leaders in advancing treatments for those facing life-threatening blood cancers, we provide the ground-breaking research, innovative technologies, patient support and education that saves lives.” Their website states.

The Be the Match Drive hosted by the women’s soccer team had a goal of adding 100 people to the registry. All students had to do was fill out some basic medical information and papers, and then take a cotton swab sample from the inside of their cheeks and then they’re done. The soccer team reached their goal and added 115 people to the registry to help find the cure for less fortunate people.

“As a team we feel obligated to hold an event that is bigger than ourselves and will be beneficial to others less fortunate than us,” Emma Felty said, a sophomore forward from Springfield, Ohio.

The National Bone Marrow Donor Registry (as it was called then) was created in 1986 and within the first year added 10,000 people to the registry. The first transplant was conducted in 1987 when Diane Walters of Wisconsin donated marrow to 6-year-old Brooke Ward of North Carolina. Today the registry has facilitated over 74,000 marrow and cord blood transplants and nearly 6,400 transplants a year to give patients new hope.

Caitlin Maggio, a junior midfielder from Rochester, NY, and a cancer survivor herself has a special connection these types of events.

“People may not realize this now, but they could be the cure for someone’s life threatening cancer in the near future. This event can give a patient a sense of security when tomorrow may not be promised for them.” Maggio said.

The event was an overall success and added 115 possible live savers to the registry.

Horesback rides ease stress in Delaware

By Megan Parker, Transcript Correspondent

When someone walks into Stockhands Horses for Healing, they might think it is just a regular horse barn.

But once riding lessons begin, it becomes clear that the barn is not at all ordinary.

Stockhands is a nonprofit organization in Delaware that provides therapy in the form of horseback riding lessons.

The organization helps treat both children and adults with any kind of disability, including mental, physical, developmental and emotional delays.

It’s been nearly three years since founders Lisa Benton and Tim Funk started the nonprofit.

Since then, the two have expanded the organization to include a variety of services, such as group sessions and private lessons.

Stockhands’ facility includes a sizable barn and several outdoor pastures. The barn is home to about thirty horses, many of which are ridden during lessons. The horses include large thoroughbreds, miniature horses and a mule.

The therapeutic riding lessons are conducted by Funk, but volunteers play a large role in helping the riders. These volunteers include Ohio Wesleyan seniors Sarah Fowler and Rheanna Wilson.

“Volunteering at Stockhands has been one of the most rewarding opportunities I’ve ever been presented with,” Fowler said.

“Not only do I get to work with children who are in need, I get to watch them grow and make leaps and strides in their normal day to day functioning.

Knowing that, even if only for a few hours a week, I’m making a difference in someone’s life is one of the greatest feelings.”

Wilson said, “Stockhands has been a really great way to give back to the community and experience how horses can help children and adults with disabilities.”

While many of the children who take lessons at Stockhands also go to therapy elsewhere, the staff at Stockhands believes that they have played a key role in helping them improve their social and motor skills.

“We do a lot with kids on the autism spectrum, and it’s rewarding to see a kid who’s nonverbal come in and in a couple months’ time to see them progress to the point where they’re appropriately saying ‘walk on’ and communicating with the horse,” said Benton, who runs the administrative aspects of the barn. “Sometimes it’s not verbal, but you can tell they’ve developed a bond.”

In addition to children on the autism spectrum, veterans and children with cerebral palsy commonly take lessons at Stockhands.

Lessons take place in six-week sessions, and are available at different times throughout the week.

Volunteers at Stockhands must undergo a free training session before working at the barn, but no previous experience with horses is necessary. Volunteer training takes place on the second Saturday of every month at 9 a.m.

Volunteers are able to schedule their hours according to their availability, so it is possible for OWU students to participate when they don’t have classes or other commitments.

“Being around the horses is therapeutic for everyone, so we can get our therapy, too,” Benton said. “But it’s the most rewarding to be able to see the kids.”

Not only do volunteers get a chance to help others, but according to Benton, the barn’s staff and volunteers also benefit from being around the horses.

Professor talks green week

By Gabe Linderman, Transcript Correspondent

Ohio Wesleyan has been trying to stay on the cutting edge of environmental sustainability for a long time, but as a whole, the school often falls short.

John Krygier illustrated the school’s efforts, and lack thereof in a lecture delivered April 21 to a small group of students.

Krygier is a professor of geography and geology and also serves as the director of the environmental studies program, making him qualified to offer commentary and critique on OWU’s effort to be more green.

There is no dedicated sustainability coordinator at OWU, there are no courses offered that focus specifically on sustainability (although, that is changing next semester) and there is no devoted budget for sustainability, Krygier said.

All of the money that goes toward different sustainability initiatives on campus comes from various campus organizations including WCSA and Chartwells Dining Services.

The lack of funding and dedicated faculty isn’t all bad. It forces efforts to be community based and grassroots organized, encouraging more diversity in ideas and leadership, Krygier said.

Even considering those silver linings, Krygier made it clear that he would like to see more direct more efforts from the administration, especially with respect to recycling programs.

Junior Izzy Sommerdorf said, “The school doesn’t make it easy to pursue sustainability efforts, but that’s something we have been working on.”

Sommerdorf, a student of Krygier’s works on the Sustainability Task Force, is one among a group of students and faculty who works directly with the school to support environmental initiatives.

Krygier also pointed out that individual environmental based projects, despite offering valuable personal learning experiences, do little to help the overall mission because they are difficult to maintain over a long term.

“It takes time to complete successful projects, more than a semester, more than a year,” Krygier said, noting how difficult it can be to continue projects after the founding student or students have graduated.”

“At OWU, there is a persistent enthusiasm for sustainability, but it’s hard to make things actually happen. There are lots of new projects started, but few are ever finished,” Krygier said.

Krygier ended by encouraging students not to get discouraged and to keep acting within collaborations with each other to affect change on a broad level.

E&W Club organize Green Week

By Alanna Henderson, Managing Editor

During the week leading up to Earth Day, Ohio Wesleyan’s Environmental and Wildlife Club (E&W) celebrates with Green Week.

The 2017 theme was “What’s your ecosphere?” which focused on how a person’s everyday life can have a rippling effect on the environment. Throughout the week, students learned about conservation on OWU’s campus and how in the end, certain choices can make an impact on the world.

Sophomore Eva Blockstein, current president of E&W, began thinking of the week’s theme over the previous summer and of cially began planning shortly after winter break.

“I was hoping to make it really cohesive and keeping the entire event together by giving each day a theme, and a theme for the entire week,” Blockstein said. “I think [Green Week] went very well. While each day related to another day, [topics] also [made sense] on its own.”

During Green Week, members of E&W and the House of Peace and Justice tabled in Ham- Will in addition to holdings events in the evening.

Some of the prizes given out each day at tabling were T-shirts, reusable coffee cups, bamboo silverware sets and 5-minute shower timers. In the evening, students created DIY cleaning products to a campus-wide trash cleanup.

“While tabling, I really loved getting to interact with students and [seeing] their excitement as they learned about [environmentalism],” current member Kait Aromy said.

On Earth Day, April 22, some students planted treesattheStratfordEcologicalCenterandother students went to the March for Science in Columbus.

The week came to an end with a nal concert celebration on Saturday at the Amphitheatre, where more than 60 Delaware and campus community members gathered together to listen to music and eat. OWU students and Delaware resident Ceci Clark performed at the concert.

“Highlighting environmentalism on campus and seeing people who really do not care usually, actually [begin] to care about it [is my favorite part],” Blockstein said. “I really wanted to make sure that people know that environmentalism is important. And that it’s something that we should be caring about every single day.”

During the concert, Sally Leber, director of service learning, also presented the Bridge Builder award to E&W. The Bridge Builder award is for outstanding community service, but because of a community service obligation, members of E&W were unable to attend the Golden Bishop Awards that was hosted during the afternoon on Earth Day.

For more information on how to become with E&W or the Bee Keepers Club, visit their Facebook page or contact Peyton Hardesty.

Potential Bishops experience a slice of campus life

By Alanna Henderson, Managing Editor

Every year, Ohio Wesleyan hosts several Slice of College Life events.

This year, ‘Slice’ welcomed 165 admitted students between the three Slice events.

Slice of College Life is an event for high school students who have been accepted to OWU. These types of admission events begin in March and April and allow a chance for potential Bishops to tour campus and meet current students before making their final decision.

May 1 is the deadline for high school students to decide which college to attend.

Laurie Patton ’95 is the senior associate director of admission and the events coordinator and planned ‘Slice.”

“The 2,020 students by the year 2020 initiative is a multi-part initiative,” Patton said. “The ‘Slice of College Life’ events are, in part, part of the initiative, but by no means the largest part.”

While the 2020 plan has a set goal of how many first year students admissions would like to have enrolled for next year, much of the 2020 plan is also focused on retention. Admission events play a key role but other offices on campus are helping with the significant aspect of keeping students on campus.  

“While I would love to take credit for the students who deposit after attending a ‘Slice’ event, there are so many factors that go into a student’s college choice,” Patton said.

After the acceptance deadline, the Admissions Office will have a better estimate of the incoming class size.

Between overnight prospective hosts, scavenger hunt guides, tour guides and other student helpers, more than 100 current OWU students involved.

Junior Kari Seymour has been a tour guide all three years and said she enjoys getting to know the students while showing off the campus. In previous years, Seymour also helped with the campus scavenger hunt.

“My favorite part about Slice of Life is the scavenger hunt that prospective students go on around campus,” Seymour said. “It’s a really unique experience for them to get to know each other and the campus in a different way than normal.”

Patton said, “While it is very time consuming to prepare to these events, I’m fortunate that I have been doing this for a number of years, so many of the things I do to plan and prepare for an event have become streamlined and efficient.”

Rain or shine, one of Patton’s favorite activities during ‘Slice’ is the food trucks that come to campus.

“I enjoy having the food trucks at the event,” Patton said.  “I love seeing the current students and prospective students interacting while waiting for their food.”

Dan’s Deli, the Blue Chew and Kona Ice were all parked in the Stuyvesant parking lot where students could grab a bite to eat before watching a performance in Milligan Hub featuring the Babbling Bishops, OWU’s own comedy improv troupe, and OWU alum and magician Bill Boaz ’16.

“The most rewarding part, for me, is working with a student throughout their college search, seeing them choose and enroll at OWU, watching their growth over their years here and then keeping in touch with them post-OWU and seeing their progress through life,” Patton said.

Thousands of Ohioans march for science in Columbus

By Sara Hollabaugh, Online Editor

Ohio Wesleyan students and Columbus residents alike spent their Earth Day marching for sciencenot silence.

The march started at 11 a.m. on April 22 at the Columbus Statehouse.

Marchers went down High Street to the Columbus Commons for a celebration after.

According to the official March for Science website, their mission includes science as a “pillar of human freedom and prosperity.”

“We unite as a diverse, nonpartisan group to call for science that upholds the common good, and for political leaders and policymakers to enact evidence-based policies in the public interest,” the mission stated.

After the event concluded, the March for Science Facebook page thanked everyone who participated, physically and in spirit.

Our official crowd estimate is 5,600almost double what we expected,” the Facebook site said. “Your support and enthusiasm were overwhelming.”

Senior Malloy McCorkle, a neuroscience and psychology double major with a minor in biology, went to the Columbus march with senior Dana Beach.

“[We had] signs advocating for the protection and distribution of science,” McCorkle said. “We stood alongside many other scientists, activists, and concerned citizens.”

After the march, McCorkle said the commons had organizations promoting science and health care, as well as food and music.

“The event brought all scientists and activists together to demonstrate the importance of science-based public policy, scientific research and STEM education,” McCorkle said. “All who attended the march were upset about recent attacks on scientific evidence and complete disregard for science by policymakers.”

McCorkle said as a scientist, she believes it is a necessity to have factual information about science provided to the public.

Senior Jackson Hotaling, a history and geography major, attended the march in Columbus and joined a small group in Delaware as well.

“[The march had] impassioned marchers with signs and shouts [showing] Columbus that its citizens care about science,” Hotaling said. “And science is important.”

Hotaling added people marched for many different reasons.

“Some were scientists themselves, while others supported a wide array of NGOs, parks and small businesses,” Hotaling said. “I wanted to come because I believe that, environmentally, we are not taking the proper steps to make a better world for the future.

Hotaling said he was able to talk with many of these different people at the march.

“We shared ideas and a beautiful day, and I left feeling optimistic about what is next,” Hotaling said.

Pulse survivor speaks at SOL Conference

By Allie Smith, Transcript Correspondent

Love, hope and positivity form the structure of a word that impacts the lives of many. That word is forgiveness.

Angel Colon, a survivor of the Pulse nightclub mass shooting in Orlando last June spoke to Ohio Wesleyan students April 22 in Merrick Hall as a part of the Summit of Ohio Latinx Conference (SOL). His talk highlighted the three values of forgiveness.

Colon’s presentation, “The Pulse that Never Stops Beating,” explained what his life was like during and after the massacre. He said he hoped to spread a message of diversity, acceptance of differences and forgiveness.

June 11 began as a normal day for Colon. After getting off work early, he decided to go to the Pulse nightclub with a few friends.

Colon and many others did not realize they would be the center of international attention in the early morning of June 12 after clubbing at a bar designed for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

At 2 a.m., Colon and his friends heard the first gunshots. The shooter shot Colon three times in the leg after taking fewer than two steps toward the exit. He shattered his femur as a result of being trampled.

The shooter intended to make sure everyone in the club was dead, according to Colon. The shooter re-entered the club after leaving for a short time and shot Colon again along with the other victims sprawled on the floor next to him.

Despite his near-death experience because of a person’s hate, Colon talked of his accomplishments and goals he has made since the early morning of June 12.

Colon continues to contact survivors and speaks to the officer who saved his life every day. He also spoke of the amount of love and support he receives as a result of the incident.

Colon explained how he copes with his permanent injuries and also discussed his aim to spread forgiveness.

“I don’t like being a depressed person,” Colon said. “I needed to move forward and use my second chance at this life as a way to spread a message.”

His presentation was a means of motivation and inspiration to take on the prejudices faced daily by marginalized communities.

In the words of Colon, you can never forget, but you can forgive.

The second SOL Conference is what brought Colon to OWU.

SOL originated at Denison University in the spring of 2016 when Latinx students, staff and faculty began to raise questions about the growing Latinx student population at predominantly white colleges and universities in the Midwest, according to the SOL website.

Topics that SOL discusses include how to support the Latinx population, how to help this population gain resources and how to bring awareness to issues that they face on and off campus and other issues, said senior Michael Mora-Brenes, a volunteer at this year’s conference.

This year’s SOL Conference took place April 21-22.

OWU hosted SOL 2017 in an effort to broaden and build Latinx awareness in other college campuses across Ohio, said Mora-Brenes. He said he hopes OWU can continue it every year.

“Angel represents the ideals of SOL through his love and compassion,” Mora-Brenes said. “Every story has an end, but in life, every end has a new beginning. I think Angel is a good source to get that message across.”

Seniors to run the Final Lap

By Liz Hardaway, Arts & Entertainment Editor

It’s the final countdown.

With nals approaching, graduating seniors and underclassmen can look forward to the Final Lap on May 9.

After commencement rehearsals, seniors will be running at 8:30 p.m. under inflatable arches decorated with lights down the path around Slocum Hall all the way to Chappelear Drama Center. Then, seniors will turn around, go down the JAYWalk, and end the walk at the Gordon Field House, where underclassmen can join for music and food.

“It definitely isn’t just a senior class event; we want the whole campus to benefit from [the Final Lap],” said senior Lee LeBoef, president of Senior Class Council.

Getting inspiration from the Night Nation Run, a running music festival, the Senior Class Council has been planning this event since October.

“Our senior class council is hoping that this will turn into a tradition that will last for many years to come,” said senior Daud Baz, treasurer of Senior Class Council. There will also be food trucks, such as Dan’s Deli, and a beer truck, provided by Delmar Distilleries, stationed in the Science Center parking lot.

The Stolen Fire, comprising Ohio Wesleyan professors, will perform at 8:45 p.m. in the Gordon Field House. At 9:45 p.m., DJ BitFlip and Firecat 451 will be performing an EDM show until 11:45 pm.

“My biggest goal was to have something unifying for the entire senior class as a final celebration,” LeBoeuf said.