Academic forum will consider online science classes

WCSA crest. Photo courtesy of the owu website.
WCSA crest. Photo courtesy of the owu website.

On Sept. 28, when senator Mackenzie Sommers told the Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA) that the 2015 academic forum’s agenda will include online classes, one WCSA advisor was especially interested.

Broadly, the academic forum will be about “Course Offerings,” but one of the specific issues faculty and students will address is the possibility of online science classes for non­-majors.

“Did that idea come from you or the provost?” professor Mark Mitton-­Fry of the chemistry department wondered.

Sommers, a senior and member of the academic affairs committee, told Mitton­Fry and all assembled that the idea had come from the students themselves. Many non­science majors were concerned about taking classes with labs, Sommers reported, and they thought online classes might be an easier way of fulfilling their distribution requirements.

“As a science person, that’s the number one reason that I would be against that,” Mitton-­Fry responded. “Purposely designing a class for relaxed rigor doesn’t do it for me.”

The back and forth ended on this last point, but the debate concerning online classes is sure to continue at the academic forum. Though a date has not been set, the meeting typically takes place in October. This semester’s forum will be OWU’s second.

Bob Wood, director of Public Safety (PS), had less contentious news for WCSA’s senators. He told the group that PS had made some changes to various parking lots on campus. Near the fraternities and Williams drive houses, B lots were converted to C lots. The same change has been made to a lot outside of the Honors House.

Jerry Lherisson, president of WCSA, also announced that after the next Archway meeting, he and Emma Drongowski, WCSA’s vice president, would have more information about the vacant dean of students position and the termination of Martin Eisenberg, OWU’s former dean of academic affairs.

Enrollment on the decline

Admission and enrollment rates are used by universities across the country like team records are used in sports: they show who is ahead. And though they are both small liberal arts schools in the Ohio 5, Ohio Wesleyan University and Denison University are putting up very different stats.

Just this year, Denison was able to reach some of its highest application rates; some 6,100 applications from a wide mix of students were compiled by their admissions office. On top of that, according to their website, Denison’s class of 2019 is among the university’s strongest academically, compared to past rankings.

When asked about these exceptional rates of application, Denison’s senior associate director of admissions Mike Hills said that his office’s hard work has paid off.

“Our reputation as a premier liberal arts college is among the best in the country, which makes our job easier in a challenging admissions climate,” Hills said. “In addition to the Midwest and Northeast, which have always been good places for us to enroll high­-achieving students, we’ve been working really hard to recruit equally qualified students from the South and West.”

In contrast, Ohio Wesleyan faced an incredibly low rate of enrollment last year with a freshman class of 490, which was significantly below OWU’s annual goal of 600. It was the lowest rate in the past five years.

To counteract those numbers, OWU began re-branding and underwent tremendous budget cuts this year.

As reported in an article on the OWU website, authored by vice president for enrollment Susan Dileno, “Our applicant and admit pool hasn’t really changed that much, but at the end of the day, it is impossible for us to control who does or does not enroll.”

OWU’s marketing: a banquet of changes

Advertisement for OWU using its new metaphor of hunger. The student featured in the ad is Aletta Doran '17. Photo courtesy of the OWU website.
Advertisement for OWU using its new metaphor of hunger. The student featured in the ad is Aletta Doran ’17. Photo courtesy of the OWU website.

Are you hungry for excellence? Ravenous to learn? Have an insatiable appetite?

Ohio Wesleyan’s marketing team has chosen the theme of hunger to create a new, bold look for promotional materials, the website and campus itself.

“Everyone knows what being hungry feels like, but we’re trying to take that beyond the belly to hunger in your heart and hunger in your mind,” Will Kopp, the chief communications officer of OWU said. “It’s that passion and fire that a coach wants their players to have, that an employer wants their new hire to have. That’s hunger and that’s what we saw here with the students.”

OWU decided to make these changes in an effort to increase enrollment, a statistic that has been on the decline for the past few years.

The communications team, led by Kopp, met with focus groups, students and faculty to figure out how to present the school in a different way and to make everyone proud to be a Bishop.

“Students talked about everything they’re involved in. You come to Ohio Wesleyan and you want to do this, you want to do that,” Kopp said. “They want to do everything.”

The involvement of students in clubs, athletics and academics across campus led Kopp to the metaphor. The team even talked to prospective students who chose not to come to OWU to figure out the reasons.

“There wasn’t an emotional connection and they didn’t get a feel of what OWU was about,” Kopp said. “We weren’t the top choice for a lot of the students that came here.”

Kopp is not a fan of slogans, which is why “Opposite of Ordinary” is no longer OWU’s official tagline. Instead of having one line describe OWU, they created multiple phrases to capture student spirit. There are 33 new banners across campus, all with different sayings that line up with the theme. Kopp was careful to not overdo it. Only three of those banners use the word “hungry.”

“That’s enough to get across the metaphor,” he said.

Along with a new marketing look, OWU is changing social media, the website and mailings they send out to high school students.

Jessica Vogel, the head of social media, uses the different platforms to engage students and tell Ohio Wesleyan’s story.

“My main goal is to tell the story of the university, of the students, of the alumni in the most engaging way possible,” Vogel said.

One feature of the new website will be an Instagram feed that runs along the bottom. Students will be able to populate the feed with their own photos by using hashtags.

“The students here are so talented,” she said. “We’re really hoping they will populate that with their images.”

Students are hoping their peers will use the hashtags as well.

“It’s a good idea because Instagram is so popular right now,” senior Gunnar Bloecher said. “I just hope people actually used it.”

When starting this project, Kopp’s main objective was to be different and bold.

“No other school says anything about being ravenous.”

Rojas receives digital scholarship grant

Dr. Rojas. Photo courtesy of the OWU website.
Dr. Rojas. Photo courtesy of the OWU website.

Chair of the modern foreign language department Juan Rojas has received the opportunity to create a digital map of a Hispanic American literary and urban art anthology.

Rojas said this “will form an essential part of the curriculum in two of my Latin American novel courses: Spanish 360: Twentieth and Twenty­First Centuries Mexican Literature and Popular Cultures, and SPAN 364: The Latin American Novel Within Its Revolutions, Cultures and Social Changes.”

“On Aug. 11, 2015, I received an email from Catherine Cardwell, OWU Director of Libraries, where she informed me that my proposal, ‘Digital Map of the Poetics of Hispanic American Literature: An Interactive and Hermeneutical Exegesis,’ had been approved for a Mellon Digital Scholarship Grant,” said Rojas.

The Mellon Digital Scholarship Grant is part of the Ohio 5’s Digital Scholarship Initiative and is funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Senior Miranda Dean said she is “one of two student research assistants working with Dr. Rojas and David Soliday from the IT department. As research assistants, we act as mediums between Dr. Rojas and the other students in our class.”

Dean said the project for her will last until the end of the semester. However, it will still be used throughout the classes taught by Rojas.

Dean said, “I hope that the completed project will encourage a broader and more nuanced understanding of the culture of Juárez.”

Director of Libraries Cathi Cardwell, is the lead contact for the overall Mellon grant and grant administrator for OWU.

Cardwell said, “Dr. Rojas’s grant is intended to have an impact on the two courses he hopes to integrate the project into. The overall Mellon project is designed to advance digital scholarship on campus.”

According to Rojas, “The creation of a digital cartography will provide OWU students with opportunities to augment their knowledge from languages, literatures, the arts and global cultural studies by exploring a variety of digital skillsets.”

For future reference of the study go to

Faculty approve new major, debate OWU’s future

When the call to adjourn the faculty meeting echoed across Merrick’s third floor, faculty and administrators breathed a collective sigh of relief.

This Sept. 21, faculty met to discuss issues ranging from ways to increase revenue streams without compromising educational quality to the merits of a new major.

President Rock Jones initiated the discussion on ways to improve OWU’s incoming revenue by offering final statistics on the class of 2019. He reported that there are 464 freshmen, 14 more than were projected and thus budgeted for.

Professor Karen Poremski of the English department asked “what kinds of implications does that [number] have for budget, specifically in regards to the very painful cuts to personnel and classes right before the school year started?”

Jones replied that, unfortunately, in order to net those students, OWU had to leverage financial aid options. As a result, “there is no extra revenue from those extra 14.”

Jones also outlined his analysis of the areas where improvement could bolster the university’s current financial situation. Three in particular need attention, he said: “Admission, retention and new programs.”

Due to targeted recruitment on the part of the Admissions Office, school visits are up slightly, and a small pool of interested students have been contacted by OWU (as opposed to the broad, 40,000 student search typical in past years). “New promotional materials, and a new website, that will be released next month, will also enhance [OWU’s] appeal,” said Jones.

In terms of the retention rate—a low 79.3 percent—the administration is focusing on a number of strategies to provide assistance to students who are in danger of dropping out. Jones noted the importance of programs like StART, FreshX, and the UC 160 courses. Beyond that, he and senior leadership are looking at “all aspects of life on campus through the lens of how it affects students.”

Finally, Jones argued that “with demographics changing as dramatically as they have, if we offer only the programs we have in the past, the numbers will stay down.”

When it was time to ask the president questions, many faculty countered Jones’ three categories for improvement with categories of their own. On the top of the list was the state of residential facilities. Professors noted that students often complain about the outdated and even neglected buildings that they call home.

One professor even said that this was the number one complaint of students when she was on the Faculty Planning Committee ten years ago.

When Chris Wolverton, professor of biology, took the podium to present the Governance Committee’s recommendations for increasing revenue, he emphasized student happiness.

“Retention looks to us like a mountain to climb,” said Wolverton. “It seems like a jog around the track to keep students we already have. We need a thorough review of student happiness; that is a valid question.”

Wolverton went on to compare investing in new programs to playing the lottery. “When you put keeping students up against the potential investment required for new programs, coupled with the uncertain revenue from a new program, keeping students that we have is a much better payout.”

Professor Mark Allison of the English department commented that “The portion of the student body we have the most problem retaining are those students whose academic performance is poor. The problem is also one of admission; we have to have a more educated base.”

Anne Sokolsky, a professor in the comparative literature department, supported Allison’s comment, adding that some of the “big cuts made to the library and to academics as a whole are counterintuitive to recruiting smart and talented students.”

Despite these and many other complications that feed into an analysis of OWU’s revenue stream, Wolverton wanted to make it clear that there was no area that should be left unexamined.

“There’s a lot of room to grow, I just think the broader we can make the conversation the better,” he said.

N. Kyle Smith, associate professor of psychology and chairman of the Academic Policy Committee (APC), turned the conversation from revenue streams to academic majors when he introduced a motion to approve a new area of study.

The department of economics submitted a proposal to APC to create a business administration major. Business administration majors would deal primarily with the management/accounting side of the department’s offerings, rather than on traditional economics courses.

Many faculty members were concerned that the integrity of OWU’s liberal arts philosophy would be threatened if the already large economics department grew larger still.

Smith and Barbara MacLeod, a professor of economics, assured their worried colleagues that the major would not take away students from other departments; the change would only affect students already within the department.

Still, the debate was contentious enough to warrant a motion for a “secret ballot,” a procedure that allows faculty to vote anonymously on measures before them. After the ballots were distributed, collected and counted, the motion to create a business administration major passed 59 to 19.

Smith introduced the second economics-­related motion to the assembled faculty. The department of economics had also submitted a proposal to APC to petition a name change for one of their minors: they wanted the “Management” minor to be renamed “Business.”

The seemingly uncontroversial motion provoked almost as much discussion as the first, and again a secret vote was called for. The motion passed 65 to 8.

WCSA welcomes seven new senators

WCSA crest. Photo courtesy of the owu website.
WCSA crest. Photo courtesy of the owu website.

President Jerry Lherisson, a senior, could not mask his surprise this morning. As he began the Sept. 21 full senate meeting, he exclaimed, “Wow, there are lots of new faces that I haven’t seen before!”

Lherisson was alluding to seven new students in the back of the room. After an atypical application-­based election process, these students were nominated to serve as senators for the fall 2015 term.

A unanimous vote by the full senate made it official: senior Shelli Reeves; juniors Jo Meyer and Mallory Griffith; and freshmen Caroline Hamlin, Michael Wadsworth, Nicholas Melvin and Will Ashburn are WCSA’s newest senators.

Lherisson also announced that the new library vending machines, which replaced the late ­night Library Cafe, could be outfitted with swipe card readers.

“We asked them if the machines could not just take credit cards and cash,” said Lherisson. “The administration said, ‘let’s see what we can do.'”

Senator Jessica Choate, a junior and chair of the residential affairs committee, informed the senate about her plans to increase the amount of lights on campus.

“On Thursday, at 6:15 a.m., I will be walking through campus with administrators, pointing out where it’s too dark and where we can get more lights to fix the problem,” Choate said.

The meeting adjourned with handshakes with and many “congratulations ” to the new senators.

Go!OWU strengthens leadership on campus

LEAD fellows direct an informational workshop at Go!OWU. Photo by Nicole Barhorst '16.
LEAD fellows direct an informational workshop at Go!OWU. Photo by Nicole Barhorst ’16.

Go!OWU is a campus-­wide event that provides a variety of diverse educational workshops for student leaders and seeks to strengthen all campus organizations.

The event was held on Sept. 12. Each organization was required to have at least two members in attendance, including the treasurer and one member of their executive board.

The main message behind Go!OWU is to Get Organized (GO) and to bring the campus community in a way that allows everyone to become familiar with their resources, specifically OrgSync and AdAstra. Students are also encouraged to utilize the Wesleyan Council of Student Affairs (WCSA).

“I think Go!OWU is a great way for new and returning student leaders on our campus to become familiar with the different aspects of managing their organization,” said senior Morgan Christie, one of the event’s organizers. “So many student leaders have the capabilities and skills to run successful organizations, but sometimes figuring out the logistics of doing so­­especially if you are new to your position­­can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming.”

Shelli Reeves, senior class president, said,“Many people thought about walking away from some of the activities that they could not grow in, did not like, and/or were too time consuming.

Having this impact on my colleagues was an amazing experience to me and I was glad that I was able to promote positive change.”

Nancy Rutkowski, the assistant director of the Student Involvement Office, said, “Due to the fact that this event occurs early in the fall semester, it is a chance to meet other organization leaders for networking purposes and opportunities to collaborate on future projects which allows for a successful start for campus organizations.”

The event promoted marketing, financial management and general planning and allowed collaboration and deep learning between student leaders across organizations.

Breaking News: Martin Eisenberg placed on administrative leave


Martin J. Eisenberg, Ohio Wesleyan University’s dean of academic affairs, was placed on administrative leave today, Sept. 21. The announcement came at 12:40 p.m., in the form of an email sent only to OWU faculty and staff. In it, Provost Chuck Stinemetz said that Associate Provost Dale Swartzentruber “will assume responsibility for the Dean on the Academic Policy Committee. All other reports (including Academic Department Chairs) will report directly to the Provost.”

Eisenberg was appointed as the dean of academic affairs on July 18, 2013. Before OWU, he worked at Truman State University in Missouri. According to Connect2OWU, “Eisenberg joined Truman State University in 2001 as associate provost and associate professor of economics. He became interim dean in 2012.”

Editor’s note: President Rock Jones, Eisenberg and Provost Chuck Stinemetz have been asked to comment. No response was given at the publication of the article. 

Fraternity houses neglected over the summer

If your room is infested with bees and covered in a layer of dust upon your return to campus, it can make move­-in difficult.

That’s exactly what happened at the Delta Tau Delta fraternity house. Bill Milanick, a senior, reported that the house’s common areas, stairwells and bathrooms were grimy and caked with dust.

One of the rooms had a bee problem that “was so bad (the bees) were in my clothes and all over my room,” Milanick said. “Buildings and Grounds (B&G) attempted to take care of the problem once but did not get rid of it, and I was forced to move into a new room.”

The fraternity has tried to get B&G to return, but the problem still remains.

In Phi Delta Theta’s house, there were no initial problems with cleanliness. Jamie Litzler, a junior and the fraternity president, said the common areas were clean upon his arrival.

But it seemed if one area of the house was clean, other rooms would be ignored by the Aramark staff. Because of this, many individual rooms seemed to be untouched.

“Those rooms were not cleaned,” Litzler said. “They were definitely not as clean as a freshman dorm room would have been on the first day.”

The school informed the fraternity that they had invested $118,000 into the house to provide a new ceiling, new tile and new cement stairs.

Yet similar reports from other houses began to emerge. Even if common areas had been cleaned, individual rooms were not.

Efforts to reach B&G for comment on this issue were unsuccessful.

Attacks plague OWU’s email system

It’s pronounced “fishing.”

Over the past few months, a number of phishing attacks have been carried out through Ohio Wesleyan’s email system. The attack gets its unusual name from the combination of “phreaking” and “fishing.” Phreaking describes the study and exploration of telecommunication systems.

Fishing plays off the fact that attackers use an enticement, or bait, to get victims to turn over sensitive information.

Phishers will use a fraudulent message to lure victims to a website they control. The site will typically ask users to enter sensitive information, like usernames and passwords, which are then collected by the intruder. After the attacker records the victims’ information, they often employ the recently stolen accounts to send more malicious messages.

Luckily, the OWU attacks have not involved solicitations for financial information.

Senior Sarah Richmond knew something was wrong when she realized she “was locked out of [her] account from any computer or phone.”

“It was very frustrating to not have access to my email account,” Richmond said. “But Information Services (Infosys) was very helpful in getting me back into my account and helping protect it. They were very nice and straightforward.”

When InfoSys becomes aware of an attack, the first step is to determine who was impacted and “what information they provided to the attackers,” said Brian Rellinger, chief information officer for OWU. “Then we have students change their passwords to prevent further attacks originating from their account.”

Unfortunately, there is no statistic for how many students and faculty have been affected. “It is difficult to establish an exact number,” said Rellinger.

There are also no real leads into who is behind the attacks. “Rarely do we spend time trying to find the origin of the attack,” said Rellinger. “If we did suspect the attack came from an OWU account holder, we would investigate further. But most attacks originate outside of OWU.”

Richmond pointed out that the messages sent to her account “came from India and the Philippines, likely after bouncing off servers. You can find out where your email account is being accessed by looking at the details section at the bottom of the Gmail account.”

Rellinger explained that attacks “occur in waves generally, and happen at all universities. In fact, a large number of universities are using the exact same system we are ­ Google Apps for Education.”

That system has a number of security features in place. According to Google’s support documentation, their fraud detection and anti­spam filters comply with industry standards.

“Border firewalls, system firewalls, and the anti­spam and anti­phishing technologies included in Google Mail help mitigate risk as much as possible,” said Rellinger.

In addition to Google’s built­in security, OWU is protected by the Sophos security suite.

Despite these measures, phishing attacks can and do occur. Ultimately, prevention comes down to the user. “Never provide birthday, SSN, or other sensitive data to a third party unless you are absolutely certain the information will be going to the appropriate entity,” said Rellinger.

“Information Services staff will never ask you for your password or SSN.”

Editor’s Note: After the submission of this story, a series of phishing messages were sent by the email accounts of, among others, the Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs; the Honors Board; Meredith Dixon, Assistant Director of Residential Life (ResLife); and Director of ResLife Wendy Piper.