Dan’s Deli coupon bill passes

By Spencer Pauley, Copy Editor 

With the Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs’ help, students will now receive coupons they can use at Dan’s Deli in the near future.

WCSA members discussed this issue at the last two meetings, held Sept.18 and Sept. 25, to determine whether or not to pass a bill that would allocate $1,500 toward Dan’s Deli coupons.

The coupons will take three dollars off of a purchase. In the end, the bill passed and WCSA will fund two out of the three dollars for every coupon. The bill was introduced by Public Safety (PS) in an effort to increase the safety among students late at nights and to prevent causing disturbance within the Delaware community on weekends.

Because Dan’s Deli is a prime spot for students on weekend nights, PS chose the food truck for a collaborative business. PS Director Robert Wood spoke to WCSA members about the bill at the full senate meeting.

“The idea is to try and keep students on our property where we think they’re safer,” Wood said. “We’ve had one fatality and one very serious injury that have occurred … on late nights off our property.”

There have been several issues specifically with Spring Street. Wood said students will cause more trouble there than anywhere else in Delaware on the weekends.

“We’ve had a lot of issues with students walking up and down Spring Street with trash and arrests [have also occurred] because they’re upsetting the neighbors,” Wood said.

A bill that would allocate $175 towards a punching bag in the Welch gym was pushed to be discussed in the WCSA meeting next week.

Junior Armando Polizzi and sophomore Maxwell Aaronson, who proposed this resolution, told WCSA members what the bag would do.

“The bag would attract more students to go and workout and stay active,” Polizzi said. One of the questions brought up about the bill were whether the bag would be used by students. A decision on this bill is yet to be determined.

Tree House member hosts first house project of the semester

By Reilly Wright, Photo Editor 

The dirt covered construction site on Ohio Wesleyan’s Rowland Avenue has since been replaced by blanketed green grass, indie music and happy painters.

Junior Alix Templeman hosted Tree House’s first house project of the year on Friday, Sept. 22, in the front yard of the newly constructed Small Living Unit. Her event invited community members to paint on two environmentally-themed canvases and purchase baked goods.

“The money that I get from [the food] will go toward purchasing a terracycle box that will be able to recycle everything,” Templeman said. “Delaware can only recycle plastic ones and twos. With the terracycle box, you can recycle literally all the plastics.”

The two canvases began blank, sporting tape spelling “The Earth does not belong to us” and “We belong to the Earth.”

Within the first 30 minutes of the two-hour event, the pieces were dutifully colored by SLU members and passersby. Tree House members are required to complete one house project a year with the only stipulation of it to relate in some way to the mission of the house.

“This [event] relates to the house mission because we’re spreading the message of loving the earth,” said junior Eva Blockstein, the moderator of Tree House. “It’s all about engaging the house with the outside community and making sure that people know tree house has a presence on campus.”

Blockstein said future house projects such as building garden boxes and a wind chime workshop of recycled materials are coming soon.

“House projects show the community who we are,” Templeman said. “I think, depending on what you do, sometimes it really does benefit the community and get the word out about environmentalism.”

Templeman said she plans to have the finished canvases hung inside the house to show the power of people getting creative together.

“I think [Templeman]’s kind of a pro now because she’s an older member and she’s lived in the house longer than a lot of the new members,” Blockstein said. “So this is a really good way to show the new members how great a house project can be.”

New psychology professor dives into Ohio Wesleyan culture

By Reilly Wright, Photo Editor

Ohio Wesleyan University’s newest psychology faculty addition can either be found in Phillips Hall or Meek Aquatic Center.

The new assistant professor of psychology and avid swimmer, Chris Modica, joined the OWU community in August.

Previously an assistant professor at Wright State University’s School of Professional Psychology for three years, Modica was chosen for OWU after a nationwide search for a clinical or counseling psychologist.

“Though we brought in three very strong candidates, Modica ended up rising above the rest and received the job offer,” said Kyle Smith, associate professor of psychology. “We’re very fortunate that he decided to accept it.”

Smith also said Modica’s pre-OWU experiences are different from what most of the faculty have had. His fresh perspective on the faculty’s old questions made Modica a strong candidate.

Professionally, Modica specializes in areas such as psychotherapy and counseling, but he has a primary interest in sociocultural variables within eating disorders and body image.

“I was really kind of undecided for much of my college time … my senior year I took a class in abnormal psychology—which I teach now—and psychotherapy theories … and I thought that was the coolest thing in the world,” Modica said.

Modica has taught students since he began earning his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Ball State University in 2008. Currently a licensed psychologist in Ohio and Indiana, he has experience in private practice and clinical work since 2012 with therapy and assessments.

“I think [psychology] is a good fit for my personality,” Modica said. “I don’t think I knew that at the time, but I tend to be much more gentle and I tend to be a deep thinker … But it’s a good fit for that.”

Since his move to campus, Modica expresses his enjoyment with students’ engagement and how familiar the community is with one another. He encourages any student interested in psychology to reach out and ask deep questions.

“Modica is very approachable, so I’d encourage people to come to Phillips and meet him,” Smith said. “You also might bump into him at Meek where he puts in some laps just about every day.”

William Cronon receives honorary degree for work with liberal education

By Madeleine Matos, Transcript Reporter 

Ohio Wesleyan University honored William J. Cronon with an honorary degree for his work with liberal education that lead to the creation of OWU Connection.

The ceremony took place in Gray Chapel on Sept. 14, with President Rock Jones; Ellen Arnold, associate professor of history; Zackariah Long, associate professor of English, among those honoring Cronon.

Much of the freshman class was in attendance as well, as part of an assignment for the freshman course UC 160: The OWU experience.

UC 160 was designed to teach freshmen about the university, and what it means to receive a liberal education. The inspiration behind this course is attributed to Cronon, aided by his essay Only Connect: The Goals of a Liberal Education.

“The idea to honor Professor Cronon with this degree came when we decided that UC 160 would be a universal part of the curriculum,” Arnold said. “Honorary degrees reflect OWU’s mission and values. Since Cronon’s essay ‘Only Connect: The Goals of a Liberal Education’ is now sent out to all first-year students as a piece that reflects those values, it seemed a perfect match.”

The speech given by Cronon after the ceremony discussed many ideals that not only are valued by Cronon, but by students here on campus as well.

Cronon discussed how his life choices led him to have degrees in many fields, and that many of these fields came to him by accident. The idea of finding your passion using the liberal arts resonated with students. Cronon also talked about putting work into whatever field you pursue, and that it is not always easy.

“Not everything in life is going to be handed to you, you need to work hard and things will eventually take their place,” freshman Madison Drabick said.

Cronon discussed traveling across the world for his studies, something that many students on campus have expressed interest in, leading to the creation of the OWU Connection program.

The program allows students to connect what is being learned in the classroom to real life situations, which can include international studies.

“I hope to be part of the OWU Connection,” freshman Claire Yetzer said. “It would be a great experience to be able to study abroad or take a travel-learning trip.”

The final message Cronon left for attendees is one that is common among students on campus: the idea of exploring whatever you can through the liberal arts, and being able to connect on campus with other students.

“That’s really the core of lifelong learning, and something I aspire to,” Arnold said.

Third I-cubed lecture topics announced

By Aleksei Pavloff, Sports Editor 

Ohio Wesleyan professors are prepared to introduce, explain and educate the campus community in three minutes with the third installment of the I-cubed lecture series.

The I-cubed lecture series has been a big part in showing what the OWU learning environment is like since its inception in spring 2016. The event focuses on 10 current professors who choose specific topics in their area of study.

“The purpose of it is to give prospective students a little snapshot of what life is like in the academic classroom at Ohio Wesleyan,” said Alice Simon, professor of economics.

According to OWU’s website, “Students select 10 of their favorite professors to deliver lectures with ideas, insight and imagination in only three minutes. The event is a showcase of great teaching and the breadth of expertise on the OWU campus.”

“It is an honor to be asked,” Simon said. “Here I am being asked to represent the school. I love this place and it’s an easy thing for me to do.”

The challenge for the professors who are presenting is to talk about a concept they teach within three minutes. Simon said that there have been professors that have referred to past videos of lectures to understand the format.

Simon’s lecture is “Why Can’t the Best Decisions Always Be Fair?” which is a concept in economics that shows how scarcity affects decision-making. Her main goal, she said, is to offer students the opportunity to take an economics course. Her style of teaching doesn’t involve PowerPoint presentations or computers, she said. She feels that even without the bells and whistles, her style of teaching is effective.

The material that gets covered can range from actual lecture material, talking about an important issue, or simply discussing past experiences all while still focusing on learning and education.

Last year, Keith Mann, professor of geology, gave a lecture discussing his battle with cancer while focusing on the topic of learning. Students can view his lecture on OWU’s YouTube page.

The third installment of the I-cubed lectures will be Oct. 17 at noon-1 p.m. in the Benes Rooms in the Hamilton-Williams Center. The school will also stream the lectures online and publish the event on YouTube.

The event is filmed and published on online. Students can go and view past lectures by searching OhioWesleyanU on YouTube.

The 2017 I-cubed lineup features Barbara Andereck, professor of physics and astronomy; Ellen Arnold, associate professor of history; Ashley Biser, associate professor of politics and government; Michael Flamm, professor of history; Shala Hankison, associate professor of zoology; Ed Kahn, professor of theatre and dance; Sean McCulloch, professor of mathematics and computer science; Judylyn Ryan, associate professor of English; Alice Simon, professor of economics; and Kyle Smith, associate professor of psychology.

DACA’s effect on Ohio Wesleyan

By Gopika Nair, Editor-in-Chief 

Jose Armendariz roots for the U.S. soccer team when it plays against Mexico.

“People might call me a traitor, but why would I support a country I don’t have a memory of and have never grown up in?” Armendariz said.

The Ohio Wesleyan freshman was born in Mexico and moved to the U.S. with his family when he was 2 years old. Armendariz lived in North Carolina for most of his life. After receiving a scholarship that would cover his college education as long as he attended an out-of-state, liberal arts college, Armendariz enrolled at OWU.

Now at 18, the U.S. is the only home Armendariz has known, and he is one among more than 800,000 recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Armendariz received DACA protection at 14 when former President Barack Obama created the program through an executive order passed in 2012. On Sept. 5, President Donald Trump’s administration announced the decision to end DACA, making its recipients eligible for deportation.

“I was surprised, but I wasn’t in shock about it because President Trump hasn’t really been in favor of DACA,” Armendariz said.

Because of his interest in politics, Armendariz followed the news and presidential debates closely. When Trump became a presidential candidate, Armendariz said he anticipated an annulment to DACA.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security stopped accepting new DACA applications received after Sept. 5. A few hours after the Trump administration announced that DACA would be rescinded, Trump tweeted that Congress had six months to legalize DACA.

Armendariz said he and his family are hoping that Congress will push a legislation within six months that’ll let him and other DACA recipients stay in the country, adding that he is glad Trump delayed the process of ending DACA.

“We’re just crossing our fingers that Congress understands that we don’t really have any other home,” Armendariz said.

President Rock Jones sent a campus-wide email addressing the end of DACA. In the email, Jones said he and the other presidents of the Ohio Five colleges have sent a letter to Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), requesting they act to protect DACA students.

“[DACA students] grew up in our country, excelled in its high schools, and now stand ready to contribute to our nation,” the letter to Sen. Portman said. “Cutting short their educations through threatened deportation denies them — and us — the promise of that future.”

In addition, Jones sent an email on Sept. 11 sharing that the presidents of the Great Lakes Colleges Association schools released a letter supporting the tenets of DACA.

“An attorney will visit campus this week to be available to provide legal guidance for DACA students,” Jones said. “If DACA students lose external financial aid, we will work to provide resources to ensure that they can stay at OWU.”

Jones added that OWU would also work vigorously to support Congress’ efforts to provide a legislative solution to protect DACA students.

Juan Armando Rojas Joo, associate dean for diversity and inclusion and professor of modern foreign languages, said it’s hard to state a number as to how many DACA students are enrolled at OWU currently.

“The OWU community (students, staff and faculty members), and hopefully the Delaware community, should understand that protecting these, our ‘invisible’ Dreamers, it’s crucial, it’s essential, as it offers value to our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy Statement that recognizes and celebrates diversity,” Rojas said.

Rojas also said that he hopes Congress will be able to support those covered by DACA and possibly provide citizenship to the students who grew up in this country and arrived to the U.S. as children.

DACA recipients go through extensive criminal and background checks to maintain their status. With more pressing issues weighing on the world right now, such as the destruction left behind by two hurricanes, Armendariz said he doesn’t understand why Trump decided to rescind DACA now.

“I’m very blessed to have a scholarship that covers me, I’m not employed and I don’t have a car so I can’t lose my permit, but heart goes out to people who do have jobs and whose permits are about to expire,” he said.

Despite everything, Armendariz said that deep in his heart, he loves this country.

“There are no Mexican values in me, it’s just American values,” he said. “[The U.S.] is the only country I know and you can’t really hate a country you grew up in even if we’re passing through a tumultuous time. I still have faith in it. [Trump’s decision to end DACA] has brought both sides of the parties together.”

Joseph Mas, a Cuban-American attorney from Columbus and immigration law expert, will offer students an informative public session about DACA and meet with students individually if they so desire at 6 p.m., Sept. 27, according to Rojas.

Letter to the Editor: WCSA addresses textbook affordability for students

By Ryan Bishop

Going to college is an expensive journey and our student government, the Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA), acknowledges the financial difficulty that comes with it, including the cost of textbooks.

Since the spring of 2016, Sens. Ryan Bishop and Nicholas Melvin have been exploring various ways in which WCSA can aid students with textbook affordability.

Work will continue to explore options such as open access books and textbook exchange programs with appropriate campus departments and groups. This semester, however, we are proud to present one affordability pilot project already in motion – the “WCSA Library of Textbooks.”

Last spring, WCSA’s full senate passed a resolution to allocate $13,000 of Initiative funds to a pilot project that would expand the print reserve holdings at the OWU Libraries.

During the spring semester and over the summer, the Libraries staff did some incredible work communicating with WCSA, TLCCP, individual faculty and the bookstore to create selection criteria and compose a suitable list of titles to be placed on course reserves.

The final list contains more than 90 titles and targeted books in 100-200 general education requirement courses. After purchase, items were then placed on print reserve at Beeghly or the Hobson Science Library.

Books can be checked out for four hours at a time (and later renewed if no one is waiting) and pages can be conveniently scanned for use at home.

You can look up title availability at library.owu.edu/reserves. We hope that this program will be useful to all and help alleviate some the struggles of affording textbooks. If you have feedback or would like more information on the program, please, do not hesitate to reach out at wcsaexec@owu.edu.

Meet the associate dean for student success

By Alameina White, Transcript Reporter 

After conducting a nationwide search, Ohio Wesleyan chose Kristin Weyman to be the new associate dean for student success.

Before coming to Ohio Wesleyan, Weyman was the associate dean of students at Claremont McKenna College in California. Claremont is a small liberal arts college with a similar atmosphere to OWU; one of the reasons Weyman wanted to come.

Another reason why Weyman wanted to come to OWU was because of the students’ involvement with the community.

“Students who don’t want to just be a part of a community but want to help create the community,” Weyman said. “The students who want to expand their horizons and have a genuine interest in learning.”

As the associate dean for student success, Weyman oversees Residential Life, Health and Counseling Services, Multicultural Student Affairs (MCSA) and Student Conduct.

Weyman was hired to oversee ResLife while OWU looks for a new director. Weyman is also acting as director of MCSA until they find someone to replace the former.

“My whole role is connecting students to the resources they need,” Weyman said. “I hope students will think, ‘I don’t know where else to go, so I’ll go to Kristin.’”

Dwayne Todd, dean of students and vice president for student engagement and success, said he chose Weyman because of her experience and dedication.

“I decided to go with her because this has been her line of work for a long time,” Todd said. “We needed someone who was ready to jump in with both feet.”

Weyman was raised in St. Louis, Missouri, but since she first left, she has been all over the U.S. But no matter where she worked and lived, she always came back home.

“I always seemed to come back to the Midwest,” Weyman said. “It feels more like where I grew up.”

Weyman said she has had a great start at OWU so far. Right now, she is getting know everyone on campus and trying to make students aware of all the resources they have on campus.

“I want to eventually get to where everyone knows where they can turn to me on campus,” Weyman said. While there are students who are still unaware of Weyman’s role on campus, she is still working one person at a time with hopes that word will spread.

OWU students launch Xnox Fitness

By Aleksei Pavloff, Sports Editor 

Two Ohio Wesleyan students have taken what they have learned in class and turned it into their own business and passion while still keeping up with school work.

Junior Ben Mudzinganyama and sophomore Connor King have created their own company called Xnox Fitness.

The company focuses on personal training, dieting and sports performance.

King is a finance major with a minor in exercise science and is currently trying to get certified to train clients. Mudzinganyama is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine and works directly with clients on a daily basis. He is also majoring in exercise science and minoring in business administration.

It didn’t take long for both students to relate to one another.

“We met last semester and just talked about what we wanted to do one day in the future,” King said. “Then we just started talking about ideas and what we were passionate about.”

Both students played sports here at OWU. But they found the stress of playing a sport while going to class wasn’t as rewarding as creating something that would “last a lifetime,” according to Mudzinganyama.

King and Mudzinganyama met last semester and talked about what interested them. Mudzinganyama said he originally wanted to be a physical therapist but eventually decided that wasn’t his passion. He also added that the injuries were taking a toll on his physical capability.

“To be in this business, you have to have an able body,” Mudzinganyama said.

Both students said they have been interested in health and fitness for some time now. It wasn’t until the summer they thought that it would be a good idea to work together.

“We both have the same passions and bring different ideas and experiences to the table,” King said.

With sports no longer being a factor in their daily lives, they still have a very busy schedule to keep up with.

“Running your own business is a grind,” King said. “It’s not for everybody,” Mudzinganyama said. “You have to put in odd hours.”

Xnox Fitness is working out of the Delaware Fit Factory, a crossfit gym that is located on South Sandusky Street. They are currently working with the owner Eric Sutliff and Mudzinganyama said their partnership has been “fantastic.”

The company is looking to expand its brand with an informational video on their Facebook page that currently has more than 1,500 views. They have also been in contact with local high schools in the Delaware area.

“We want to dominate the sports industry and the fitness world,” Mudzinganyama said.

Some other students on campus have noticed how dedicated they are in their business. “I think that it’s awesome that they are doing this,” said junior Lauren Carpenter. “[Mudzinganyama] is an insightful guy and loves to work with people.”

Executive assistant to president ready to help students succeed

By Reilly Wright, Photo Editor 

Janet Lewis was recently given the title of executive assistant to the president and secretary to the Board of Trustees at Ohio Wesleyan University, but she said she prefers the title Janet.

The position was granted to Lewis after a full search process led by an OWU committee reviewed dozens of applicants.

“I was very impressed with her from the opening minutes of my first meeting with her,” said President Rock Jones. “Her experience, professionalism, personality and deep commitment to higher education and to the welfare of the entire campus community will serve all of us very well.”

In recent years, Lewis was an administrative associate to the executive director and development team and the Central Ohio American Heart Association. She supported their board of directors and programs such as Go Red for Women Luncheon and the Central Ohio Heart Walk.

When Lewis spotted the job listing, she initially hesitated due to her passion for her job with the Central Ohio American Heart Association. But after weeks of curiously visiting the listing, she applied for the opportunity to work directly with Jones.

“[Jones] is not only an engaging and eloquent speaker, but is also clearly a committed and passionate advocate and leader for OWU,” Lewis said. “I love that he is so accessible to the students and enjoys interacting with them.”

She holds a bachelor of science in chemistry from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and has a master of business administration with a marketing emphasis from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Lewis grew up in Tennessee where most of her family lives, but she has called Ohio home for the last 12 years. Both her sons go to school in Ohio while she and her husband of 26 years are active in Columbus’ recreational volleyball leagues.

“As she gets to know the OWU community and the OWU community gets to know her, I am confident Janet will become highly regarded for her work, for the warmth of her personality and for her commitment to our mission as a residential liberal arts university,” Jones said.